How to Act During a Severe Storm


Steps to help you avoid flooding and minimize damage during a DANA

A DANA, also known as a “cold drop”, is an isolated depression or squall in higher layers of the atmosphere. These situations of DANA usually occur mainly in late summer and autumn in the Mediterranean area with intense storms and frequent flooding.

When we are facing a situation of heavy rainfall, such as when a DANA occurs, it is important to carry out a series of measures that help not only to avoid flooding, but also to minimize the damage.

In the event of a DANA: follow these tips

1 – Go to a safe place
If you are outdoors during a storm, you may become a target for lightning strikes. You should stay away from surfaces where you are alone or where there are trees. It is advisable to return home or seek a safe place if you are far away.

2 – Avoid ledges
Storms are usually accompanied by strong winds, so getting under buildings is dangerous, because if any terrace has flower pots, pots or any other object, it can impact on you.

3 – Stay away from riverbeds
If you are walking and you see that the streets begin to flood, it is likely to continue to do so. In case of heavy rains, an increase in the flow of water could overflow nearby areas. Avoid parking vehicles in these places.

4 – Do not drive on secondary roads.
If you are driving and the road begins to flood, do not drive your vehicle through the sections with the most water. The force of the water can sweep you away by floating the vehicle. Highways and freeways drain water better than secondary roads and are better maintained in adverse situations.

5 – Avoid basements and ground floors.
In these situations, large amounts of water are likely to fall in short periods of time, causing sewers to overflow and rivers and streams to overflow. You should avoid the most easily flooded areas such as basements and ground floors.

6 – Be informed of weather forecasts

Keep up to date with the weather forecast for your location. Be aware of any activated warnings and the state of the roads.

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